Mentors selection process

To participate in Ouissal, you ideally meet the following requirements:


  • Experienced entrepreneur, managing director or working in a leading position for at least 10 years.
  • Expertise in own industry, leadership topics and business development.

Tandem and Program

  • Willingness to invest approximately 1.5 hours per week for 1 year in the mentoring relationship in order to communicate regularly with the tandem partner throughout the mentoring program (intensity and frequency of communication can be adapted to individual needs).
  • Willingness to participate in the mandatory kick-off meeting in one of the partner countries of the Mediterranean and Middle East region (incl. travel to and from the meeting).
  • Interest in cultural, economic and social diversity of the Arab world
  • Interest in intercultural exchange and the promotion of professional perspectives for women in Arab countries.
  • Desire to meet like-minded women entrepreneurs in the German-Arab Women’s Network and to benefit from the entire network of mentors and mentees as well as the alumnae group
  • Willingness to share and expand your knowledge and expertise with young women entrepreneurs (e.g., business plan implementation and business development mentee).
  • Openness, self-awareness and reflectiveness as personal qualities.
  • Adaptability and willingness to break familiar patterns and adapt to new circumstances.

Language skills

  • Very good knowledge of English and/or French. Tandems will be matched in a common language (French or English). No one is perfect: language skills do not have to be at native level. However, the tandem partners should feel able to discuss business issues in French or English.

Our expectations of a mentor:

What is a mentor?

What is not a mentor?

Carrier and mediator of experiential knowledge

Supervisor or higher-up

Sparring partner



Omniscient and error-free


Grievance box, therapist

Role model

“Mother” of the mentee

Impulse giver (professional and private)


(Career-) Companion

Job recruiter



Source of ideas

Navigating person



Feedback provider

Always available

Feedback receiver

Solution finder


Evaluator, Judge

Learning enthusiast

Service provider or business partner



Additional Notes:

The costs of participation in this program (travel expenses, accommodation and meals) are borne by the project.

How to apply