Buch- und Podcast-Empfehlungen

Hier können Sie Ihre Lieblingsbücher, die Sie als inspirierend oder lehrreich empfunden haben, sowie Podcasts, die Ihnen wertvolle Einblicke oder Karrieretipps gegeben haben, empfehlen und diskutieren. Dies kann eine hervorragende Möglichkeit sein, neue Inhalte zu entdecken und sich an anregenden Diskussionen zu beteiligen.
Comments (02)
The Marie Forleo Podcast – Thinking beyond productivity, podcaster Marie Forleo is dedicated to helping you become your best self. Aren’t they all? Absolutely, but Forelo is a bit different. She presents actionable strategies with a confidence and flair that can uplift your spirits about your own journey. Positioning herself as a relatable mentor, she’s open about her own challenges and setbacks. This authenticity, combined with insightful interviews, makes her podcast a go-to for those aiming to enhance their personal and professional lives.
Falling Back in Love with Being Human: Letters to Lost Souls by Kai Cheng Thom. This book is meant to be a source of catharsis, provide healing and be a beacon of trans joy. Dedicated to different people and topics, each poem/letter is filled with emotion and deeply personal. Both sad and hopeful, this reads as a volume meant to heal during a very painful period of the author’s life.