Workshop | Self-leadership and Emotional Intelligence
Date de l'événement
Start at 3:00 AMseptembre 11, 2024
Dear participants of the workshop on “Leading with empowerment with Self Leadership and Emotional Intelligence ” from September 11, thank you for your invaluable contributions to our recent workshop . Your insights added immense value, making the session a resounding success. We appreciate your interest and your active engagement ! Please find the workshop material and video recording of the session below !
Please find the handout of Mounira‘s presentation here attached.
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Important : cette vidéo ne doit pas être partagée. Elle est réservée aux participants de Ouissal !
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A glimpse into who Mounira Latrache is:
As Co-Founder of Connected Business, Mounira Latrache is a passionate trainer, speaker, and author who has collaborated with global brands to reimagine NewWork by integrating mindful leadership, inner transformation, and Emotional Intelligence into the workplace. Authenticity & Trust are her pillars. She believes that true transformation starts from within and empowers entrepreneurs to reshape their journeys by in her own words, “not being driven by circumstances but taking back the driver’s seat” through self-leadership.
EMA e.V.
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Ce projet est financé par le Ministère fédéral de la Coopération économique et du Développement (BMZ) et soutenu par la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.